Thursday, March 28, 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages to an MLS Search

MLS searches (or Multiple Listings Service) are based off the principle; "Help me sell my inventory and I'll help you sell yours." It is a unique concept, though one not many other industries use. Real estate brokers acknowledge the advancements in technology once MLS searches became popular, and are willing to present the advantages and disadvantages of MLS queries to interested parties. The decision of utilizing this service is ultimately up to the potential buyer.

No For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Options

One of the big disadvantages to MLS searches is they do not include homes sold by the owner, unless the seller has negotiated a certain percentage of the commission to the realtors. If interested in FSBO's, the buyer must search potential neighborhoods for FSBO signs and negotiate a price within their range. If the buyer does not know much about negotiating prices, or how much homes are worth, MLS queries still provide some contribution for comparison purposes. If excessive research is undesirable to the buyer, then MLS queries provide another benefit.

Less Research for the Buyer

Buying a home might already be considered a stressful process for some. MLS searches can cut down on some of that stress because it reduces the research the buyer must conduct. There are already so many other aspects a buyer must remember to look into, including the community, crime rate, demographics, school districts, job outlooks, among others. MLS queries place hundreds of homes from the participating brokers into one database, with hundreds of fields with which to search the properties. Knowledgeable brokers with years of experience determine these popular search fields; whereas if the buyer conducts the research by himself or herself, he or she may question whether the information they find is accurate.

The Internet Outdates MLS Queries

The younger generation might claim the Internet is called the "Information Highway" for a reason. While it is true certain states have their MLS queries readily available on the Internet, not all states have this accessibility. It is also important to consider that information researched on one's own time might not be as accurate as the MLS searches provided by real estate brokers.

A Trusting Community

As mentioned earlier, all MLS queries are based off the "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" premise. In other words, there are no hidden agendas. All brokers participating in MLS queries are trying to provide the buyer with the greatest number of options. They keep the buyer's requirements in mind and try to create satisfactory customers.

Ultimately, the decision to use MLS searches or to conduct the research on one's own is up to the potential buyer.

"Giving My Heart - Love in a Military Family" by Lisa H Farber-Silk - Book Review

First-time author Lisa H. Farber-Silk releases her autobiography "Giving My Heart: Love in a Military Family." Open, honest, and full of details, the book gives a glimpse into one woman's connection to the armed forces.

"Giving My Heart: Love in a Military Family" details Farber-Silk's personal journey from childhood to marriage and motherhood, then on through businesswoman, mistress, and divorcee. The three men in her life - her husband, his friend, and eventually her son - are all in the military. As her story progresses, she describes how it felt to see them off to war and how it felt to transition them back. She concludes with her unsuccessful attempt at helping her lover adjust and deal with his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

"Giving My Heart: Love in a Military Family" isn't your typical 'military wife perspective' book. Instead, the story is an autobiographical account of Farber-Silk's love affair with two military men. Further, the book ends on a rather sad note as she never did get through to her second love as he struggled with PTSD. The book seems to be a last attempt to get him to see what he's put her through and how he can help himself.

As a military wife myself, I expected to read more of her activities on the home front and less of her background or affair with another man (something obviously frowned on by the US Army). I also expected to read about more PTSD experiences. Farber-Silk doesn't note the first hints of PTSD behavior from her lover until page 62; her entire story is only 89 pages. Further, the story has a bit of a juvenile tone; phrases such as "NOT!" and "I was so pissed" really don't read well in a book meant for mature adults dealing with post-war trauma. "Giving My Heart" is not for those looking to read the more traditional 'triumph over PTSD'-type book.

Farber-Silk does write from her heart. She lives and loves from deep within and her book serves as a historical account of her life and her experiences as a military family member. She holds a strong devotion to her country as well as her fellow spouses enduring the separation of loved ones deployed to war zones. "Giving My Heart" is simply Lisa Farber-Silk's life story.

Modern History Press (2008)

ISBN 9781932690446

Reviewed by Vicki Landes for Reader Views (12/07)

Book Review: Dreaming in Hindi

Dreaming in Hindi

I was introduced to this book while browsing the web in search of interesting references. As somebody working almost daily in at least a bilingual context, I found fascinating the idea of exploring the mind settings we develop while learning foreign languages. I become bilingual at five years old, without being aware of the philosophy of practising another languages. I needed to understand and talk in more than one tongue, and didn't pay too much attention of the details: I was able to switch from a language to another, answering the various contexts I was part thereof. This almost natural-born bilingual structure of my mind was enriched by a new language at the age of 10. English is the fourth on my list - at around 17 -, almost self-taught, after the failure of my mother to play anymore the role of teacher. Years after, I can understand this situation as the result of our second language experience, I didn't want to acquire - who would like at the age of 5, to spend time making conversations in a language spoken exclusively by the adults? But this linguistic experience defines my linguistic history, as until now I am aware by the limitations of fully mastering all the other languages I acquired by now (almost 10, out of which one who required to learn a new alphabet, learned as in the first grade, with pages of hand writing exercises and loudly voice spellings).

Given this experience, I am trying to do not insist too much upon because it is not my book I intend to write about now, the lecture of Dreaming in Hindi had for me the effect of a linguistic therapy.

Entering the dream

I started the lecture with a 75% enthusiasm. The rest of 25% was represented by the reserves on the topic of Hindi, India. My very recent experience was the Eat Pray Love book, an example about the stereotypes of spiritual journeys. We are learning foreign languages because of personal or sentimental failures, we are keen to know the world and other countries because we failed to know ourselves. We are unable to go out of our lonely shells and we recognize the merits of the culture only in direct relation with the success brought in our personal achievement. There are some discrete references to this kind of issues in this book too, but there are wrapped intelligently. Of course we are looking for something when we are travelling or starting to learn something new - be it Chinese painting or Hindi - but this is more than killing some time between two relationships. We acquire knowledge for better understanding the world around and afterwards, using this knowledge to induce change.

The references to India are well pondered: you will not find here first-hand experiences about illuminations and spiritual awakenings after spending a couple of days, weeks or months in an ashram. In a very journalistic and alert style you will find information about this part of India Katherine Russell Rich is discovering while starting the learning of Hindi, during and shortly after 11/9. This part of India where people are living and making a living, dying or killed, facing terrorism and fearing for the security of their children and their families, getting married, looking for a mate or falling in love, surviving as women, temporary visitors or tourists. The recent history or the history on the making, the ethnic or geopolitical conflicts being reflected at the level of the language. And I am the first to recognize that the success of learning a foreign language rely upon the immersion into the culture of the linguistic family whose richness you want to share. The pages dedicated to the social and historical description are limited by the purpose of reflecting the sociolinguistic processes taking place with the author aka. the Hindi student.

I found the style sometimes arid, sometimes mid-way between a scientifical expose and a journalistic description. In some fragments, it was like recollecting automatically segments from disparate notebooks recording the diary of the year spent in the ancient city of Udaipur. But this gave to the story a mysterious note of authenticity.

Knowing the brain

The main reason I loved reading this book was the intelligent mixture between the personal discoveries and the scientific research, looking for understanding the mechanisms developed in our secret black box while learning a new language. We are rarely aware of the complicate processes taking place during the linguistic adventures of the brain. I experienced some of them myself - and I observed more clearly to my daughter, who by the age of 12 was overexposed to multilingualism and forced to master daily three different languages. Our brain is both flexible - adapting to new sociolinguistic contexts - conservative - in relationship with the other languages, including our first tongue.

And I will give an example: we are aiming to learn a new language, for various reasons. By learning, direct practice, exercises, we could acquire the new skills in a certain amount of time. But, the linguistic structures already acquired, including our mother tongue, will be affected. If not used any more over time, we are forgetting the details of the grammar or our vocabulary is including funny and clumsy approximate translations from a language to another. During this process we can experience as well the unpleasant situation of blocking: we are unable to switch immediately, if ever, from a language to another. Or, the overexposure to a certain foreign linguistic environment create difficulties in recognizing what used to be once our familiar context. The social and psychological contexts are playing a very important role in our linguistic development - or blockage. A certain experience in relation with a certain event connected to a language might close the ways of communications in this language.

More we learn, the bigger our possibilities to make fast connections and to diversify our brain activity - with results including on our life-spam, according to recent studies. With influence on our deepest conscious and unconscious activities, as it is the case of dreaming. The strangest might be to dream in a foreign language without understanding the words you or the others present in the dream are talking. The intermediate level is, according with my understanding of the book, when you are able to tell and understand jokes in a foreign languages, meaning that you acquired a least familiarity and subtlety for juggling with significations. As for me, being able to read the newspaper is the best level you acquire before upgrading for having access to the language of the elites.

As well, being able to read and write on one hand, and being able to speak a language, however, are two different skills, not automatically inter-connected. In my case, for the non-European language I am in process of acquiring, I was able first to talk and understand the language of the street, but took me much more to read fluently while I am still facing problems in writing correctly. For the different alphabets the photographic memory might be helpful. I lived for one year in a Asian country and I was able to recognize a couple of disparate characters, only by over visual exposure - usual signs for "open", "closed", "metro", "street", the symbol of the currency etc.

The limits of our communications from a language to another are not exclusively limited to the cases when we have to switch from a system to another - as, such as, from a alphabet-based to a sign base. Not everything can be translated and for some cases the expression of privacy - in the case of Hindi a non-existent term - and feelings differs significantly. It is why we are assuming that some nations are "colder" and some are "warmer": we are what we talk.

My curiosities

The book opened me a series of questions and left unanswered a couple of curiosities. I don't find too much details about the experience of writing in another alphabet. Did she tried to? What are the transformations observed reading in a different writing universe.

The reader lacking expertise in Hindi is left frustrated with not acquiring any information about what it is this Hindi alphabet about. I found only one explicit about, at the end, when trying to read the terrible news about the killing of the journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan. Do they read from left to right or from right to left? It is possible, as in Chinese or Japanese to read horizontally and/or vertically?

Maybe I would like to read and find out more also about the author's experiences with Hindi after this year spent in India: did she continue practising? what happened with the linguistic luggage in her familiar cultural environment? Or did she start to learn other languages too and how she connected this experience with the one of learning Hindi?

My plan was to dedicate one hour to this review. After three long and intensive writing hours, I am approaching "the last dot" moment with a certain shadow of regret. This book made me think about a couple of direct experiences, gave me some hints for reevaluation others and observing some evolutions in my future linguistic wanderings. Enough reasons for encouraging others to read it too and to start learning at least other foreign language than the one used by birth.

Music Review of The Eyes of God by Scott Kalechstein & Friends

The Eyes of God

It's been awhile since I've had the pleasure of being introduced to a new collection of devotional music. Scott Kalechstein has a number of albums out in several genres. He has a scintillating sense of humor, which he uses to great effect in concerts and other venues. His CD, Levitational Pull, is filled with hilarious gems such as "Waking Up is Hard to Do" and "Just a Co-Dependent Love Song." Levitational Pull is perfect for those times when we find ourselves becoming way too serious, and I recommend it highly.

In this review, however, I want to focus on Scott's beautiful, heartfelt The Eyes of God, a devotional masterpiece of reverential singing from a spiritual perspective. Uplifting, positive melodies inspire us to the highest of our potential, creating luminous opportunities to become fully present in the precious now moment. These are songs you will want to take into your heart and make a part of your devotional practice. In addition to Scott's warm voice, a choir of angels backs him up. I have listened to The Eyes of God numerous times, and Scott's wonderful music never fails to bring tears of gratitude and joy.

A host of musicians accompanies Scott and the choir on the eight songs that comprise the wondrous The Eyes of God. Scott plays nylon and steel string acoustic guitars, while others contribute additional guitar, flute, saxophone, bass, cello, drums, tablas and percussion for a full, rich sound. Several tracks, including Michael Stillwater's divine "You Guide Me" and the anonymous "I Am with You Now," may be familiar. Scott wrote the others, which include the intoxicating "Closer and Closer" and the celebratory "An Open Heart." Soothing and uplifting at the same time, The Eyes of God is a passionate paean to the One Heart that beats us all.

Recover From Stuttering - Does Your Stutter Influence Your Life?

Have you ever resorted to asking someone else to make a phone call for you? Have you ever made excuses for not attending social gatherings? Have you ever sat at a restaurant table with friends and said, "Yeah, I'll have what she's having," just to avoid the stutter that would inevitably happen when you'd try to say, "fillet mignon please, rare thanks". That's what you really wanted to order, but hey, if you can only say 'ffffffillet', what is the point of even trying? Everyone would just look at you, they'd be embarrassed, you'd be embarrassed, they'd think you're an idiot, blah, blah, blah. You know as well as I, all those negative destructive thoughts that flash through your mind. The whole thing just goes on and on. Some people who stutter have a circle of negativity that surrounds them the whole time, all they can think about is the next time they have to speak.

Worry and avoidance patterns are often set in place way back when the stutter appeared. Oftentimes a child in the playground who has shown signs of dysfluency may be bullied or picked on by his or her peers. This can happen simply because he speaks differently or perhaps can't answer a question quickly. Many negative thoughts PWS have in adulthood originate in childhood. We all know children can be cruel to each other one moment and the best of friends the next. Very often childhood verbal or non-verbal interactions involving psychological cruelty are forgotten immediately, but not every time. Some criticism of physical disability by children towards children can stick and be carried forward through life. By the time the affected individual turns thirty, that simple and innocent criticism at the age of six has been blown out of all proportion. Guess who blows it out of proportion, we do! No one's tougher on ourselves than us. We stutterers are very good at pulling ourselves apart. "I can't do this, I can't do that, people think this... about me! I'm hopeless!" You know the sort of stuff I'm referring to. If I had a dollar for every negative thought I had about myself when my stutter was holding me back, I WOULD BE A MILLIONAIRE.

Recovery from stuttering all gets down to positive thinking. Give it a go, shoot for the stars, just do it! This thinking will set you on the right path. Don't worry if you falter along the way. Keep at it. Maintenance is the key!

If you can honestly say that your stutter is not affecting you and your life in a negative way then, fantastic, you keep on keeping on. But for those of you like me, who have struggled for a long time battling your dysfluency, don't fool yourself. Don't allow this thing to rule your life any more! Don't let it push you around.

There is an excellent home-based program out there that will support you for life. Accept that you need to do something for yourself, something that, with effort and perseverance, will change your life in many ways, not just control your stutter. Join me on that fantastic road to fluency.

World of Warcraft Debate - Grind Vs Quest

World of Warcraft is a very fun game, and there are two schools of thought that people go by when it comes to leveling up characters. Grinding is one method that I will explain first, and the other method is through questing.

Grinding simply means running around in an area that is close to your character's level and killing whatever happens to be running around there. These computer regenerated parts of the game will drop certain items for you, and also give you experience points, which work to level up your character. There are some good points to this method, as it allows you to pick up items that you can sell on the Auction House, as well as to vendors in the nearby town. One recommendation that I can give you for using this method is to save your money and buy the largest bags you can afford to help you in collecting items as you grind.

Killing enemies that are higher in level will give more experience, but you may wear down your gear faster, and also take a greater chance of being killed during the battle. Always keep an eye on your surroundings, to make sure you don't draw too much attention from other enemies. It is always good to keep potions on hand to restore your health during an emergency, and also keep food and water with you to rebuild your energy faster in between fights. If your character has special abilities to help keep you alive during battle, use them wisely, as most have a cooldown time that will prevent you from using it too often.

Questing is a method of leveling a character that involves completing the quests that are set up in the game for you. Most of these quests will give you a lot of experience, and many are a lot of fun to complete. As with the grinding method, make sure to keep plenty of food and water with you as you quest, and sometimes it helps to take along a group of people to complete the quest together. This part of the game is fun, and allows you to play with other members of the community. Many quests may involve the above methods of grinding because you are looking for items that certain animals drop, or you may be in an area where you will be fighting to collect the quest items.

I have found that people get the most enjoyment out of questing, and using grinding for experience very little. If you use questing for most of your experience points, you will get much more enjoyment from the game, and will get to see much more of Azeroth.

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